LeBron James Day in the Life: What We Learned

Confession: we’ve been powering through the LeBron day-in-the-life series that was originally aired during the 2014 playoff season. If you’re into wellness, you’ll probably get our obsession with this behind the scenes look into a day in the life of LeBron James’ pre-playoffs preparation.While spending the entire day focused on training and meals probably isn’t realistic for most of us,…


Cupping Therapy, The Newest Trend at the Olympics

Source: AP PHotos As a former NCAA athlete in college, I recall the pressure to perform at the absolute best to the point that metrics used to measure movements required advanced NASA type physiological tools that analyzed the efficiency of each movement. Before every meet we would go into lock down mode where everything we ate was carefully planned weeks…



In today’s post I’ve opened up my gym kit to show you my tried and tested essentials that are both stylish and practical. I recently started back at the gym after a very long break and it feels great to be training again. I’m not one of those people to put on weight when I don’t work out, it actually…


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